Jute And Handicraft Products Made Of Jute From King Craft Viet

Jute And Handicraft Products Made Of Jute From King Craft Viet


Today, worldwide awareness of the environment and health is soaring, so the jute business presents new opportunities, due to their eco-friendly characteristics.


1. Benefits of growing and using jute


Jute is a natural fiber that can be used in a variety of fields, supplementing or replacing synthetic fibers, which has received increasing attention from the industry.




Jute is an annual renewable energy source with high biomass production per unit area of ​​land. It is biodegradable and its products can be handled easily without posing a hazard to the environment. Jute roots play an important role in increasing soil fertility. By rotating crops with other crops such as rice and potatoes, jute acts as a barrier to pests and diseases to other crops and also provides significant amounts of nutrients to the plants. Other cultivated in the form of organic matter and micronutrients.




Jute has a high rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) assimilation and it purifies the air by consuming large amounts of CO2, which is the main cause of the greenhouse effect. Theoretically, one hectare of jute can consume about 15 tons of CO2 from the atmosphere and release about 11 tons of oxygen during 100 days of jute growing season. The studies also showed that the CO2 assimilation rate of jute is much higher than that of plants.


Jute is a fast growing seasonal crop. It reaches a height of 1.5 to 4.5 meters in a period of 4 to 5 months. The average annual yield of dried stalks of jute ranges from 20-40 tons per hectare. Since the biological efficiency of jute is much higher than that of wood, the use of jute instead of wood for pulp will significantly reduce pulp and paper production costs and save forest resources. The fallen leaves from jute are also valuable for fertilizing and enriching the soil nutrients.


The production processes of jute agriculture include: sowing, weeding / thinning, harvesting, defoliation, tillage, fiber extraction, washing and drying. But only a small percentage of farmers use fertilizers and herbicides / pesticides to treat the seeds. The processes of jute soaking, peeling and washing the fibers have raised a number of concerns regarding solid residues and emissions from those processes. A common complaint is about an unpleasant odor during the soaking process. However, this odor is only temporary in nature, because in warm climates, the smelly water returns to normal after 30-45 days. Exhaust gas and unpleasant odors are temporary, not associated with any irreversible hazard compared to some other industries.


2. Some beautiful handicraft products made of Jute at King Craft Viet


jute basket


jute basket


jute lampshade


jute lampshade


jute lampshade


jute lantern


jute lantern


We are here to match your requirement. Do not hesitate to contact us for the best price!


ADD: 41/49 Huynh Thuc Khang Street, Dong Da District, HaNoi, VietNam

EMAIL: sales@kingcraftviet.com


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