More than 700 million people around the world trade or use rattan for multiple purposes. Using modern processing and transformation techniques can generate considerable revenue and can improve livelihoods both in rural and urban areas. Rattan is currently commercialized in two ways: as raw material and as finished products.  


1. Commercialization of raw rattan

The most commonly traded rattans in Africa are the large diameter Laccosperma secundiflorum and the small diameter Eremospatha hookeri (E. macrocarpa) because they both possess excellent characteristics in terms of pliability (flexible and strong canes) and aesthetic value (evenly shaped canes that are easy to polish).


In Africa, the unit of sale is a bundle or a bale. The harvester is usually paid per number of canes, each with a value of 100 to 200 F CFA (0.15 to 0.31 euros) for both species, depending on the quality. The unit price for large diameter canes can sometimes reach 300 F CFA (0.46 euros). A skilled harvester can cut around 140 canes per day, which results in a guaranteed daily income of 14 000 F CFA (21.30 euros).

Image 1: Bundles of raw rattan

It is also possible to work as a wholesaler for raw rattan in large urban areas. Quality control is especially important in this scenario: make sure there is no unwanted gum or resin, or any trace of mould. A regular client base depends on providing high quality rattan that is pliable, supple, strong and evenly shaped. The canes should be able to bend without splitting. Rattan canes can be sold all year round, providing a stable and regular supplementary income. There is also potential income generation in transforming rattan cane into furniture.


2. Commercialization of transformed rattan

Rattan products include kitchen utensils (trays, baskets, etc.), furniture (cupboards, chairs, beds, etc.), decorative objects (flower pots, statues, etc.) and models for hairdressing and tailoring (mannequins, etc.). The quality of the products depends on the creativity and originality of the design, consistency in production, sturdiness, traces or absence of burn marks, careful use of nails and their appearance, and the style and quality of weaving.

Image 2: Beautiful products made of rattan - Lampshade

Image 3: Beautiful product made of rattan - Baby Changing Basket

Image 4: Beautiful products made of rattan - Handbags

Simple furniture is the most commonly found product in artisans’ displays, and provide a minimum monthly profit of 150 euros. The quantity of cane used can vary from one product to the next.



We are here to match your requirement. Do not hesitate to contact us for the best price!


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EMAIL: sales@kingcraftviet.com


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