Top 10 most famous bamboo and rattan craft villages in Vietnam

In Vietnam, bamboo and rattan craft villages were formed and developed thousands of years ago. Experiencing many ups and downs in the development process, nowadays, bamboo and rattan handicraft industry is flourishing and has a certain position in the consumer market. Currently, bamboo and rattan products are favored by many foreigners, especially Japan, America, Spain and Russia contributing great export value in Vietnam, … Along with the process of international trade integration, the bamboo and rattan industry has also had strong changes and achieved many successes. So have you ever wondered where the most famous bamboo and rattan handicraft villages in Vietnam are? If you want to know which places it is, today let's join King Craft Viet to immediately refer to the top famous bamboo and rattan handicraft villages in Vietnam through the article below.

  1.  Phu Vinh bamboo and rattan craft village

  2. Tang Tien bamboo and rattan craft village

  3. Ninh So bamboo and rattan craft village

  4. Thach Cau bamboo and rattan craft village

  5. Ngoc Dong bamboo and rattan craft village

  6. Lien Khe bamboo and rattan craft village

  7. Bao La bamboo and rattan craft village

  8. Thu Hong bamboo and rattan craft village

  9. Trieu Xa bamboo and rattan craft village

  10. Van Son bamboo and rattan craft village

1. Phu Vinh bamboo and rattan craft village

This is one of the craft villages from the seventeenth century of  Vietnam. Phu Vinh craft village in Phu Nghia commune - Chuong My - Hanoi. Phu Vinh village is famous for beautiful and high quality bamboo and rattan products with hundreds of different designs and genres. This is also a tourist destination that many tourists look for.

The diversified bamboo and rattan products here combine both traditional and modern colors with the unique flair of the craft village over time. Not only making everyday items such as: trays, plates, lampshades, baskets... people here also show their talents in beautiful, high-tech souvenirs such as photo frames, furniture, decorations, portraits, diaphragms, sentences, ... and interior products for those who like unique style such as tables, chairs, vase, night lamp... Only from rattan, white bamboo. A craftsman with godlike hands can create beautiful items that attract many customers.

With the creativity and ingenuity, the people here have produced many kinds of simple, rustic bamboo and rattan products. With their skillful hands, the trade village has developed and created many establishments in the district to create jobs for laborers. Passion and love for traditional craft have been shown in each product of the craftsmen. That is why those products are available in many countries around the world.

Handicraft products


Rattan Handbags

2. Tang Tien bamboo and rattan craft village

Tang Tien handicraft village with more than 300 years of establishment and development in Tang Tien commune - Viet Yen - Bac Giang. The craft village is famous for its high quality products such as cushions, pillows, bags, blinds, ... The handicraft village's products are carefully kept by artisans and do not have the phenomenon of termites or fading. It is its quality that has helped the brand of Tang Tien handicraft village to be trusted by users.

Craft village

3. Ninh So bamboo and rattan craft village

Ninh So is the village of knitting rattan and bamboo products- one of the oldest traditional handicraft villages of Thuong Tin hometown. Ninh So bamboo and rattan crafting village has been formed for a long time and can be considered as the earliest in Hanoi today. Ninh So bamboo and rattan belonging to Ninh So - Thuong Tin - Hanoi is a famous handicraft village with items associated with farmers such as straw, basket, ... to catch shrimp and fish. The intelligence and creativity of the people here have helped them to have a fuller life thanks to the output of shrimp and fish caught every day during the time of chaos and innovation. However, the country is on the rise, new production technology has been put to use, but these items are still useful for farmers in economically disadvantaged areas.

handicraft villages

4. Thach Cau bamboo and rattan craft village

Thach Cau is considered the father of the weaving profession and also the place where bamboo and rattan weaving exist and develop. Thach Cau bamboo and rattan in Nam Truc - Nam Dinh existed and developed from thousands of ancient times.

Thach Cau bamboo and rattan village in Nam Dinh was formed and existed for generations in Thach Cau village, Nam Tien commune (Nam Truc, Nam Dinh). Here, from a ten-year-old child to the elderly, the old woman "outside the house" is still constantly weaving bamboo and rattan day by day, helping that folk profession continue its history of formation and development for hundreds of years.

"Thach Cau Basket is the top of the world" is a song expressing the pride in the bamboo and rattan weaving village of people in Thach Cau village, Nam Tien commune. That has helped the traditional profession of Thach Cau to preserve and develop for hundreds of years.

Handicraft villages

5. Ngoc Dong bamboo and rattan craft village

Ngoc Dong village, Duy Tien, where traditional bamboo and rattan crafts has been developed year to year. In particular, the reputation of the handicraft village resonates further, and more and more people are buying products and selling raw materials.

Ngoc Dong village is located in Hoang Dong Commune, Duy Tien District, Ha Nam Province which is also one of the famous bamboo and rattan villages in our country. This is a craft village that has existed for quite a long time with products not made of bamboo or other materials like other craft villages, but it is formed from rattan and bamboo. Utilizing these two types of trees, skillful artisans have produced products such as rattan chairs, lampshades, baskets, plates, ... with many different designs and sizes. The bamboo and rattan handicraft of Ngoc Dong craft village has brought a more stable and prosperous life for the people here.

manufacturing handicraft products

It can be said that Ngoc Dong is the most famous place for oblique rattan products, by knitting skewers linked with spokes to create products with very high stable structure, no deformation at all. different weather conditions such as baskets, suitcases, trays, plates ..., even large saucers with great stiffness, can sit up without flattening.

6. Lien Khe bamboo and rattan craft village

Lien Khe village is located in Khoai Chau District, Hung Yen Province is one of the famous bamboo and rattan export villages in Vietnam. Handicraft villages was formed in the 90s of the twentieth century and developed to this day. The first time building a job was still quite difficult and seemed impossible to exist. However, it is the love of the profession of the people in Lien Khe village that has helped this village exist and develop sucessfully with many small establishments in Lien Khe commune.

Currently, Lien Khe’ bamboo and rattan products are growing strongly and become a familiar brand used in the decoration of interior spaces bearing Vietnamese culture. Lien Khe bamboo and rattan products are exported to many countries such as Japan, Korea, America ... Through export orders, Lien Khe bamboo and rattan products have won the hearts of many international customers. orders more and more, increasing in quantity and diversifying in designs.

For the first time participating in Hue Traditional Craft Festival 2019, Lien Khe bamboo and rattan crafting village brought a variety of product models such as: serving trays, umbrella boxes, shelves, flower pots, baskets storage box, tissue box …

With simple and rustic but no less sophisticated and attractive features, with high aesthetic value and applicability, it is hoped that Lien Khe’s bamboo and rattan products will step by step affirm their position in the market and is increasingly known by tourists.

7. Bao La bamboo and rattan craft village

Originated from a small, outdated and endangered production village, when only specializing in knitting bamboo and rattan household products, Bao La village (Quang Phu, Quang Dien, Thua Thien - Hue) had the spectacular "transformation" step when creating useful handicraft products ... serving daily life, not only for the Vietnamese people but also for the world market.

Bao La bamboo and rattan crafting village is a traditional craft village that was established and developed for over 600 years in Thua Thien - Hue, and has been creating many regular jobs for local bamboo and rattan producers.

Bao La village is located in Quang Phu - Quang Dien - Thua Thien Hue is proud to be the place producing the most durable and quality baskets in our country. Basket is the main product of the Bao La handicraft village for generations. They are close, attached to the farmer in the harvest days of the homeland. From bamboo and raw materials, products such as baskets, rags, sieves ... in turn came into service for the lives of workers across the country.

Handicraft village

8. Thu Hong bamboo and rattan craft village

The ancients have a saying: "Bat Trang ceramics - Silk of Van Phuc village - Thu Hong bamboo - Casting of Ngu Xa bronze ..." The old verse doesn’t remind of the lands with famous craft villages. Everyone knows Bat Trang pottery, Van Phuc silk, Ngu Xa bronze but not necessarily know about Thu Hong bamboo village - a quiet, peaceful craft village beside the winding Ca Lo river.

Thu Hong village in the past is Thu Thuy village in Xuan Thu commune, Soc Son district, located along the Ca Lo river flowing into Cau river. As a riverside village, Thu Hong is hidden under bamboo bushes, typical of the village of Bac Bo. With that terrain, villagers live along the Ca Lo River, making handicraft products to earn their livelihood. In the past, hundreds of households working as bamboo villages in the small village became lively with the sound of sawing, chiseling …

In order to make perfect bamboo products, the worker is very skillful and has aesthetic eyes. The process of finding the right material is also very meticulous. To make beautiful bamboo products, artisans have to buy it in Hai Duong, Bac Kan, or go to the villages to buy bamboo tightly, make use of the whole tree to make various products. bamboo hammocks, chairs, hand made of handicrafts, grape letters, chair decorations, bamboo spokes, bamboo beds make statues of Mr. Phuc, Loc, Tho ... Along with skillful hands and industriousness, hard work Products of the village artisans are simple but firm, durable and beautiful. The villagers learned the job very brightly. It seems that the ingenuity and meticulousness are deeply ingrained in Thu Hong people, passed down from generation to generation. The village lives by profession, women also work as jobs. Therefore, the name Thu Hong was famous, comparable to Bat Trang pottery, Van Phuc silk ... 

Along with the development of the economy, goods have become plentiful in various types, materials, and goods from China to cheap, eye-catching, suitable to consumer tastes. Therefore, the villagers also changed their bamboo workshops to other jobs that were easier to make money, such as scrap trading, making pots and pans ... With a simple, rustic, traditional rustic, bamboo products of the old Thu Hong village now come to life, immersing in the bustling street life, or peace in the countryside. The village is dynamic, engrossed in creating rural and traditional features for each product. In addition to traditional products, they also make products on a larger scale such as houses, architectural works. With the policy of restoring traditional craft villages of the Party and State, many craft villages have awakened. Nowadays, when entering this village, we still see the village artisans passionately carving on the thin and flexible bamboo. 

Knitting handicraft products

9. Trieu Xa bamboo and rattan craft village 

Trieu Xa bamboo and rattan craft village in Trieu De commune, Lap Thach district (Vinh Phuc) has been recognized as a traditional craft village since 2006. It still maintains and develops a variety of bamboo and rattan products with high aesthetics and an attractive craft village tourism destination.

According to the elderly people, since ancient times, there were some people in the village studying bamboo and rattan crafting in the craft village areas of the old Ha Tay province (now in Hanoi) and Hung Yen ... and then returned to the locality to work. Initially, the products were made mainly for daily life and labor and production, such as basket, basket, basket, basket, pot, hot pot ... and later made for selling handicraft products. Rattan and bamboo craft in Trieu Xa have contributed to job creation for people, especially on leisure time and bring a fairly stable income, contributing to poverty alleviation and rural construction. 

Handicraft products

10. Van Son bamboo and rattan craft village 

Founded in 2013, in the context of many bamboo and rattan enterprises that are "living half and dead", Van Son rattan and bamboo products quickly develops and affirms its brand in the market. The success of the Van Son handicraft products not only brings jobs and stable incomes to the local poor workers, but also creates a new vitality for the poor economy of the high mountainous district of Tuyen Hoa.

After a few years in operation, the scale of the factory as well as the machinery and equipment of the Van Son Cooperative has expanded much. Van Son bamboo and rattan products have found a foothold in the market and gradually affirmed its brand. Consumption market is also stretched from Hanoi to the Mekong Delta region. It is worth mentioning that the income of the workers in the cooperative is constantly increasing, now the average income is over 54 million VND / person / year. Every year, Van Son Cooperative also coordinates with localities in the district and expands to Minh Hoa district to organize many vocational training classes for rural workers, thereby creating a premise for the establishment of cooperative groups to supply raw materials. raw materials and product consumption.

Handicraft products


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